Yoga retreat on Paros Island - Advanced Yoga Postures -Module

Workshop & Teacher Training Module - Yoga Alliance certified -  Yoga retreat on Paros Island

Advanced yoga poses require advanced teaching techniques.

Learn how to sequence and teach advanced poses effectively, safely and without over-exhausting your students. Get your own practice highly upgraded as well.
Practice how to safely lift students up in inversions, how to precisely hold them for drop-backs, and how to help them achieve deeper stretches and openings.
Learn how to deconstruct advanced poses into their key challenging elements, and design an optimal strategy for each part, always keeping in mind the different body types of your students. This will enable you to teach amazing mixed-level classes, where every student will experience progress, regardless of their level of practice.
Safe alignment, effective sequences, creative the use of props and pose-as-project approach, will make Natarajasana, Visvamitrasana, Mayurasana, Adho Mukha Vrksasana press-ups, Drop-backs, Eka Pada Galavasana, Vrischcikasana, Pincha Mayurasana variations and other postures and transitions more accessible and fun.

Improve your vision, and assessment about how your students need to refine their existing poses, and what variation of a pose they are ready for.
Whether you are a new teacher, or an experienced one, you will benefit from this workshop immensely, as long as you are dedicated to learning and increasing the quality of your teaching.
You will gain more and more confidence as a teacher, leaving the training with lots of enthusiasm and ready to take your students to the next level.
The hours of study count towards continuing Yoga Alliance education.


The training will take place in Okreblue Seaside Retreat Center on Paros island. Nestled in the magical Filizi beach, overlooking the blue Aegean sea and amidst the beautiful cedar forest, Okreblue is ideally located for those looking to reconnect with mind, body, and nature. It is a place of exceptional natural beauty, with gorgeous outdoor yoga halls, amongst the trees and sounds of nature. The rooms are just a breath away from gorgeous sand beaches with crystal clear waters. The whole environment is ideal for mind-body-spirit practices, for learning, resting and rejuvenation. The food is organic and healthy, most of it coming from Okreblue's own garden. Visit Okreblue website